Our Mission:

The mission of  Trenchless Romania Club is to offer a constructive environment for a good communication and cooperation within this industry, focusing on B2B meetings, networking sessions, business accelerator programmes, involving not only specialists but also public authorities and official representatives.

Our actions:

  • Supports the development of the commercial and industrial collaboration of its associates with Romanian and foreign firms;
  • Conducts information and commercial documentation, consultancy and conciliation activities between its associates or between its associates and third parties on request;
  • Supports the development of trenchless market, services and industry based on free initiative and loyal competition;
  • Supports the professional specialization activity of its associates and other economic agents, as the case may be, according to the interests of the club;
  • Conducts activities to support economic agents and individuals to set up joint ventures and other forms of association;
  • Initiate meetings and business contacts between Romanian and foreign economic agents;
  • Informs its associates as well as those interested, about the regulations regarding the economic activity, commercial, banking, customs, port, legal, technical, technological, managerial ones, in order to substantiate their decisions in the practical activity of the companies;
  • Edit and publish printed and online materials (via the Internet) and other publications of commercial information and advertising related to its subject matter, publish prospectuses, catalogues, brochures and other publications of a technical, commercial and advertising nature, carry out multiplication activities;
  • Facilitates the organization of business meetings and contacts between commercial agents in the country and abroad.
  • Communicate cases of force majeure at the request of their associates and their counterparts abroad.
  • Provides its members with studies or analyzes including requirements and criteria for preparation and development of the activity in terms of integration in the EU, publishing publications, organizing technical-scientific events, exhibitions, consultancy, organization of advertising by all means of mass media, awarding awards, etc.
  • Develops studies, provides information and consultations on the Romanian trade with construction equipment at the request of the central state authorities;
  • Establishes collaborative relations with similar associations, affiliates to the international trenchless societies and represents the interests of the members of the association on national and international level.
  • Aims to promote exports, exchanges of publications and information, exchanges of experience and visits between associates and similar companies, participation in economic missions, promotion of capital investments in the trenchless industry in Romania;
  • Promotes the specific interests of the association’s members in the relations with the Parliament, the governmental and local authorities, the juvenile bodies, the trade unions, other employers’ and professional associations in the country and abroad.
  • Organizes economic missions of Romanian and Romanian businessmen abroad to expand and intensify economic exchanges with other countries;