6TH Edition Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition, 14th of June 2022, Bucharest – http://trenchless-romania.com/
5TH Editon Trenchless Romani Conference & Exhibition, 20th October 2021, Bucharest – http://trenchless-romania.com/home-2021/
4TH Edition Trenchless Romania Comference & Exbition, 13th of June 2019, Bucharest – http://trenchless-romania.com/2019-2/
3TH Edition Trenchless Romania Comference & Exbition, 13th of June 2018, Bucharest – http://trenchless-romania.com/2018-2/
2TH Edition Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition, 15th of May 2017, Bucharest – http://trenchless-romania.com/html/index2017.html
1ST Edition Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition, 18th of May 2016, Bucharest – http://trenchless-romania.com/html/index2016.html